Chief beer genius Conrad Gmoser has definitely found his groove at Brassneck and is happily crafting up a dizzying array of different brews these days. (Don’t believe me? Check out Brassneck’s Twitter feed.)
But even the most wildly creative people need solid dependables to rely on. And even Brassneck has two consistent beers on its menu: the very English Brassneck Ale, an earthy, florally hopped bitter; and a powerhouse pale ale called Passive Aggressive.
According to that racy tome the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, passive-aggressive behaviour involves a “pervasive pattern of negativistic attitudes and passive resistance to demands for adequate performance in social and occupational situations.”
So, well done Conrad and your Brassneck co-honcho Nigel Springthorpe for naming this beer after the disorder that afflicts all beer bloggers. Good joke. No really, I’m laughing.
It also happens to be an especially cruel joke knowing that most beer geeks are going to love this dry-hopped beer right from the get-go, with its dazzling, clear gold colour and shock of rich white head that laces thickly on the glass.
The nose is rich with tropical fruit, featuring cantaloupe, grapefruit and guava along with more subtle minty herbals in the background.
Flavourwise, citrus dominates, with waves of tangy grapefruit, orange and lemon followed by a swell of melon as a big bitterness takes hold. A hint of green herbals and a vein of slightly biscuity, slightly chewy sweet malt run through the profile providing yet more interest.
The full, buttery-velvet mouthfeel is soft and gorgeous, the finish surprisingly soft and subtle with a firm dryness.
Perhaps best of all, you won’t have to closely monitor Brassneck’s Twitter feed for brewing updates. Passive Aggressive is always pouring, so go get some today. Then hug your local beer blogger.
Food pairing: Thai. Spicy Chinese food. Roast duck.
Available at Brassneck tasting room, 2148 Main St., Vancouver